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High Schools

Let's face it, fundraising for your productions isn't exactly something you look forward to. It's not that there's anything wrong with selling coupon books, candy bars, or potatoes (true story), but there's a better way. Why not do a fundraiser that has something to do with theater? Psst...Broadway Benefit, you're on!

Here's how it works:


We bring the show

The show features Casey Elliott, an internationally acclaimed actor and singer, plus other world class performers. 


You help promote the show

You're already good at getting the word out about shows. Your most effective marketing tool is to activate your students to invite their families, neighbors, friends, Romans, countrymen. You get the idea.


you get the funds you need for your productions

Our goal is to make your program somewhere between $3,000-$7,000 with one concert. AND you can totally still sell coupon books (hint of sarcasm).


We'd love to explore doing a concert for your program. Connect with us and let's get the conversation started.

Don't like forms? Send us an email.


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